Custom WordPress theme
Custom Illustration
My Role:
Creative Direction, Illustration, Front-end programmer
Writer’s Portfolio
The client and I worked together to set up a full freelancing site to help with her transition over to a freelancer. She had very specific ideals as this needed to be professional but also, a reflection of her personality. Other than her knowing that it had to be sleek, clean, and modern, she didn’t know how to not make it sparse. She did however want a minimalist look. Black, white, and mustard were her colors. After working with her to find a style she liked, we merged the ideas to create a custom illustration that helped define her role. Taking data from various sources and turning it into custom works of gold through traditional means, words.

Encompasses a wide range of multiple disciplines throughout various types of projects. From marketing collateral and asset to branding, creative direction, and digital experiences this portfolio shows the breadth of my experience.

Strategy, user research, wireframing & prototyping are just a few tools in this narrowed UX portfolio. Projects which show an understanding of business goals and user behavior while using human centered design to accomplish goals.

Visual communication in a more traditional form. From children’s illustrations to infographics this portfolio specific to visual arts that communicate original ideas to clients for a wide range of products.